Satheesh Kathula
President, AAPI, 2024-25

US Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award
Board Certified Hematologist & Oncologist
Clinical Professor of Medicine
Diplomate in American Board of Lifestyle Medicine
Global Healthcare Leaders Program, Harvard Univeristy- 2023-24
Man of the Year, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society-2018
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - Stanford University
Vision & Goals for AAPI
Promote AAPI’s (American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin) mission of Education, Excellence in patient care, Research, and Professionalism
Increase Membership of AAPI and Enhance Membership Benefits.
Collaborate with Major Physician Organizations.
Encourage and Engage Younger Generation of Physicians in AAPI Activities.
Work on Issues Related to Physicians in the US Including Credentialing, Physician Shortage.
Leverage the Strength of 100,000 Doctors at Legislative Level

As a past president of Toledo Physicians of Indian Origins - TOPI I would like to endorse Dr. Satheesh Kathula for AAPI Vice President. Please vote for him as he has been and continues to have strong commitment with his proven leadership towards helping the American Physicians of Indian Origin AAPI.
- Manisha Pandey, MD, Past President, TOPI
Global Cancer Reduction Campaign